A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

The protagonist Lucky falls inside a dice bag and fights for her life to get out of it, proving herself to be no ordinary black cat after her witch abandoned her because she thought she only brought bad luck.

The room setup is orientated on a die with 6 sides. With every room the stats of the protagonist and the enemies are randomly increased - the harder the level, the higher the chance to roll higher and higher stat increases. The room you land in is randomly decided every time you enter a new one. The stage ends with the final room, number 6 and an enormous boss! 

Important!!! (BUGS)
Dying Sound is very bit loud so please care for your ears!  We suggest you turn down the volume to about 10% in your Windows Audio Mixer. 
In order for your shots to actually go where you are aiming - press shift to dash at the start of the first level. This should resolve the issue.
Sometimes the portals won't teleport you anywhere and simply increase your stats every time you overlap them. We don't really know what causes this bug. Restarting the game should resolve the issue.

MacOS Setup

Please execute the .app once and close the error message. Open your settings and switch to "Security and Privacy". Under the General tab, there is now a button to open Nekomancer anyway. 


WASD - Moving

Left Click - Shooting

Left Shift - Dash

Wanna spice things up? Press Right Click to spawn more Enemies. >:D

Cheat Code - Press Tab to Roll more Stats randomly. 


Boss Theme: https://audiojungle.net/item/90s-japanese-anime-eurobeat/37534798

Background Music: https://soundcloud.com/ghostrifter-official/afternoon-nap


Nekomancer - Windows 38 MB
Nekomancer - MacOS 49 MB

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